The Travellers (Al Musafirun)
The Travellers, also known as ‘Al-Musafirun’ in Arabic, is a burgeoning band based in the UK, founded with the support of Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi. Since 2008, they have focused on studying and reviving traditional Islamic Poems and Songs, known as ‘Qasaid’. Their aim is to introduce these traditional Islamic poems and melodies to Western audiences while preserving a heritage rooted in love for Allah Almighty and Prophet Muhammad. The group has traveled to Morocco to learn from masters of Islamic music and traditional singing, and to Jordan for further study with Ustadh Samer Nashar and Ustadh Abdur-Rahman Sasa. The name ‘The Travellers – Al Musafirun’ reflects the spiritual journey of every Muslim towards Allah, enriched by constant praise and devotion. May their efforts be blessed, guiding others towards a deeper connection with Islam.