Lovers Lyrics – Sami Yusuf

Dastgāh: Shūr (Avaz-e Abū ‘Atā)
Commentary: This beautiful piece comes from the Khanqahs (Sufi centers) of the Qadiriya-Talebani Tariqah in Kirkuk, Iraq. The original poem (“Mosalmanan”) was written in Persian approximately 200 years ago by Shaykh Abdul Rahman Khales (Shaykh of the Qadiriya-Talebani Sufi order). However, the lyrics of this rendition come from Mawlana Jalal ad-Din Balkhi’s (“Rumi”) Divān-i Kabir (Ghazal 34). The daf “Ḥay Allah” maqām is used in the first half of this piece followed by Maqām Haddādī (both traditional khanghāh rhythms).
*God’s name, “al-Ḥayy” (“The Living”), is often chanted by Sufis in spiritual sessions because it permeates all life and attracts the blessings of God who is the source of all life. The name “Ḥayy” is also the beginning of each breath we take. Without “al-Ḥayy”, all would perish. The name Allāh is the all-comprehensive name of God that contains within it all the meanings and significance of all the other Divine Names. The “Hu” is derived from “Huwa” (He) and expresses the divine Essence (al-dhāt al-ilāhiyya) which can neither be grasped nor encompassed by anything other than Itself.

Words by Mawlana Jalal ad-Din Balkhi’s (“Rumi”) Divān-i Shams
Music: Traditional Islamic (from Kurdistan region)

Performed and arranged by Sami Yusuf

[Persian with English Translation] Lovers Lyrics

Ey ‘Āsheqān, Ey ‘Āsheqān
Amad gahe waṣlo leqa
Az āsemān āmad nedā
Key mahrūyān aṣ-ṣalā

O lovers, O lovers, the time of union and meeting has come
A calling from Heaven proclaimed, “Moon-faced ones, it is time to pray!”

Ḥay Allāh, Hu Allāh, Yā Allāh

Ey sarkhoshān, Ey sarkhoshān
Amad ṭarab dāman keshan
Begrefte ma zanjīre ū
Begrefte ū dāmāne mā

O divinely intoxicated ones, the joyously whirling One has arrived;
The chains of His curls have captured us and the yearning of our hearts have captured Him.

Amad sharābe ātashīn
Ey Dīve gham konjī neshīn
Ey jane marg-andīsh ro
Ey sāqīye bāqī darā

The fiery wine has come, demon of grief, off to a corner!
Leave O death-pondering soul, O immortal Saqi, come through!

Ey haft gardūn maste to
Mā mohreyi dar daste to
Ey haste mā az haste to
Dar ṣad hezārān marḥabā

O by whom the seven vaults are enraptured,
We are but a bead in your hands
Our being is by your being, a thousand hails!

Ey bānge naye khosh-samar
Dar bānge to ṭa’me shekar
Āyad marā sham-o sahar
Az bānge to būye vafā

O sound of the reed with sweet stories
In your sound is the taste of sugar
From your sound, comes the fragrance of fidelity day and night!

Bāre degar āghāz kon
Ān pardehā rā sāz kon
Bar jomle khūbān nāz kon
Ey Āftābe khosh leqā

Begin once more and tune those notes!
Display your charm to the good souls,
O fair-faced sun!

[Arabic] Lovers Lyrics

أيَا عاشقينَ

آنَ لكم وصلٌ و لِقا

مِن السماءِ إذ نُودينا

أي وجوهَ النورِ .. "الصلاة"

حيّ الله

هو الله

يا الله

حيّ الله

هو الله

يا الله

أيَا مَن الحبُّ أَسْكَرَهم

قد جاءَ مَن بالبِشرِ فَتَنهم

و بدِثارِ الوِدِّ أَسَرهُم

لِجَنابِهِ الشوقُ أوصَلهم

حيّ الله

هو الله

يا الله

حيّ الله

هو الله

يا الله

لمّا سَقاني الحبّ كأسا

غابَ عنّي الشيطانُ حُزنا

يا نفسُ اذهبي ولا أسفا

في حضرةِ السّاقي سَرْمدا

حيّ الله

هو الله

يا الله

حيّ الله

هو الله

يا الله

يا مَن تطيبُ السماواتُ بذِكره

كسُبحةٍ نحنُ في يدَيك

ما نحنُ إلّا مِنك

ردّدنا آلافَ مّرحبَا

حيّ الله

هو الله

يا الله

حيّ الله

هو الله

يا الله

أيَا عاشقينَ

آنَ لكم وصلٌ و لِقا

مِن السماءِ إذ نُودينا

أي وجوهَ النورِ .. "الصلاة"

أيَا مَن الحبُّ أَسْكَرَهم

قد جاءَ مَن بالبِشرِ فَتَنهم

و بدِثارِ الوِدِّ أَسَرهُم

لِجَنابِهِ الشوقُ أوصَلهم

يا مَن تَطيبُ السماواتُ بذِكره

كسُبحةٍ نحنُ في يدَيك

ما نحنُ إلّا مِنك

ردّدنا آلافَ مّرحبَا

أيَا صوتَ النّايِ بكَ يَحلو السَّمَر

في لحنِكَ طعمُ السُّكَّر

نَشدوا بِكَ صُبحاً وسَحَر

مِنكَ الوفا فاح عطراً

أعِدْ علينا ما سَرى

مِن ذاكَ النَّغَمِ

هَبْ لأرواحِنا حُسنا

يا صاحِبَ الحُسنُ

أيَا عاشقينَ

آنَ لكم وصلٌ و لِقا

مِن السماءِ إذ نُودينا

أي وجوهَ النورِ .. "الصلاة"

[English Translation] Lovers Lyrics

Ey ‘Āsheqān
(O lovers)

Amad gahe waṣlo leqa
(the time of union and meeting has come)

Az āsemān āmad nedā
(A calling from Heaven proclaimed)

Key mahrūyān aṣ-ṣalā
("Moon-faced ones, it is time to pray!”)

Ḥay Allāh,

Hu Allāh,

Yā Allāh

Ḥay Allāh,

Hu Allāh,

Yā Allāh

Ey sarkhoshān, Ey sarkhoshān
(O divinely intoxicated ones)

Amad ṭarab dāman keshan
(the joyously whirling One has arrived)

Begrefte ma zanjīre ū
(The chains of His curls have captured us)

Begrefte ū dāmāne mā
(and the yearning of our hearts have captured Him.)

Ḥay Allāh,

Hu Allāh,

Yā Allāh

Ḥay Allāh,

Hu Allāh,

Yā Allāh

Amad sharābe ātashīn
(The fiery wine has come)

Ey Dīve gham konjī neshīn
(demon of grief, off to a corner!)

Ey jane marg-andīsh ro
(Leave O death-pondering soul)

Ey sāqīye bāqī darā
(O immortal Saqi, come through!)

Ḥay Allāh,

Hu Allāh,

Yā Allāh

Ḥay Allāh,

Hu Allāh,

Yā Allāh

Ey haft gardūn maste to
(O by whom the seven vaults are enraptured)

Mā mohreyi dar daste to
(We are but a bead in your hands)

Ey haste mā az haste to
(Our being is by your being)

Dar ṣad hezārān marḥabā
(a thousand hails!)

Ḥay Allāh,

Hu Allāh,

Yā Allāh

Ḥay Allāh,

Hu Allāh,

Yā Allāh

Ey ‘Āsheqān
(O lovers)

Amad gahe waṣlo leqa
(the time of union and meeting has come)

Az āsemān āmad nedā
(A calling from Heaven proclaimed)

Key mahrūyān aṣ-ṣalā
("Moon-faced ones, it is time to pray!”)

Ey sarkhoshān
(O divinely intoxicated ones)

Amad ṭarab dāman keshan
(the joyously whirling One has arrived)

Begrefte ma zanjīre ū
(The chains of His curls have captured us)

Begrefte ū dāmāne mā
(and the yearning of our hearts have captured Him.)

Ey haft gardūn maste to
(O by whom the seven vaults are enraptured)

Mā mohreyi dar daste to
(We are but a bead in your hands)

Ey haste mā az haste to
(Our being is by your being)

Dar ṣad hezārān marḥabā
(a thousand hails!)

Ey bānge naye khosh-samar
(O sound of the reed with sweet stories)

Dar bānge to ṭa’me shekar
(In your sound is the taste of sugar)

Āyad marā sham-o sahar
(From your sound)

Az bānge to būye vafā
(comes the fragrance of fidelity day and night!)

Bāre degar āghāz kon
(Begin once more)

Ān pardehā rā sāz kon
(and tune those notes!)

Bar jomle khūbān nāz kon
(Display your charm to the good souls)

Ey Āftābe khosh leqā
(O fair-faced sun!)

Ey ‘Āsheqān
(O lovers)

Amad gahe waṣlo leqa
(the time of union and meeting has come)

Az āsemān āmad nedā
(A calling from Heaven proclaimed)

Key mahrūyān aṣ-ṣalā
(“Moon-faced ones, it is time to pray!”)

[Turkish] Lovers Lyrics

Ey Aşıklar

Birlik ve buluşma zamanı geldi

Cennetten bir çağrı duyuruldu

"Ay yüzlüler, namaz vaktidir!"

Ḥay Allāh,

Hu Allāh,

Yā Allāh

Ḥay Allāh,

Hu Allāh,

Yā Allāh

Ey ilahi sarhoşlar

neşeyle dönen buraya ulaştı

Buklelerinin zincirleri bizi ele geçirdi

ve kalplerimizin özlemi ise O'nu ele geçirdi

Ḥay Allāh,

Hu Allāh,

Yā Allāh

Ḥay Allāh,

Hu Allāh,

Yā Allāh

Ateşli şarap geldi

keder iblisi, bir köşeye çekil!

On'dan ayrıl ey ölümü düşünen ruh

Ey ölümsüz Saqi, içinden geç!

Ḥay Allāh,

Hu Allāh,

Yā Allāh

Ḥay Allāh,

Hu Allāh,

Yā Allāh

Ey yedi mahzeni mest eden

Biz Senin elinde sadece bir boncuğuz

Varlığımız senin varlığınladır

bin selam olsun!

Ḥay Allāh,

Hu Allāh,

Yā Allāh

Ḥay Allāh,

Hu Allāh,

Yā Allāh

Ey Aşıklar

Birlik ve buluşma zamanı geldi

Cennetten bir çağrı duyuruldu

"Ay yüzlüler, namaz vaktidir!"

Ey ilahi sarhoşlar

neşeyle dönen buraya ulaştı

Buklelerinin zincirleri bizi ele geçirdi

ve kalplerimizin özlemi ise O'nu ele geçirdi

Ey yedi mahzeni mest eden

Biz Senin elinde sadece bir boncuğuz

Varlığımız senin varlığınladır

bin selam olsun!

Ey kamışın sesi tatlı hikayeleriyle

Sesinde şeker tadı var


gece gündüz sadakatin kokusu geliyor!

Bir kez daha başla

ve o notaları ayarla!

Çekiciliğini iyi ruhlara göster

Ey güzel yüzlü güneş!

Ey Aşıklar

Birlik ve buluşma zamanı geldi

Cennetten bir çağrı duyuruldu

"Ay yüzlüler, namaz vaktidir!"


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